quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015

Avaliação de potencial turístico de sítios geomorfológicos

Continuando com as sugestões de leitura, segue dessa vez o link para o trabalho de Jean-Pierre Pralong, do Instituto de Geografia da Universidade de Lausanne, na Suiça.

O artigo intitula-se "A method for assessing tourist potential and use of geomorphological sites" (Método de avaliação de potencial turístico e de uso de sítios geomorfológicos), publicado na revista Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement.

Abaixo segue o abstract do trabalho para dar a curiosidade pela leitura do texto completo:

"This paper presents a method for assessing tourist and exploitation values of geomorphological sites in a tourist and recreational context. Its aim is to propose criteria to quantify and qualify their potential in terms of scenic/aesthetic, scientific, cultural/historical, and social/economic values, and the use of this potential in terms of degree (spatial and temporal use) and modality (use of the four mentioned values) of exploitation. Concerning the scientific value, the following criteria are taken into account: palaeogeographical interest, representativeness, natural rarity, integrity and ecological interest. This method was based on the study of geomorphological sites (glacial, karstic, and hydrographic) of the areas of Chamonix Mont-Blanc (Haute-Savoie, France) and Crans-Montana-Sierre (Valais, Switzerland). In this paper, the assessment of the tourist value and of its components is first presented and developed. Then, the assessment of the exploitation value allows the notion of use intensity to be determined. Finally, a comparison of the two first stages is carried out in order to analyse and discuss the potential and use of the studied geomorphological sites."

Clique aqui para baixar o texto completo em pdf. Espero que gostem.


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